Show 66: Riot Room Patio Meltdown
A few weeks back we played the Riot Room patio for the first time (as a band, that is). All of us were really excited to play Zi Patio with a bunch of great KC bands (Sons of Great Dane, Cherokee Rock Rifle, and The Slowdown). Good Times were ahead of us.
When we arrived at RR the patio felt good, it wasn't too terribly hot and I was quite fine. Shortly thereafter, people started showing up and it started getting rrrrrrrrrrreal fucking hot. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying.
Sons of Great Dane opened the show and as usual, these dudes were solid. I like this band more and more everytime I see them and I liked them to begin with so there. High Five!
Next up were our friend's the Slowdown. These guys showed up in full trailer-drag. Jean-shorts, staches, tank tops, America! It was quite a sight to see. We have played many shows with these fellas but on this night I heard a bunch of material I had not before. I remember it being almost psychedelic? Maybe they were "influenced" by something? I don't know for sure, but a man can speculate. Another good band brought it correct.
Next up was our lot. But we had a small dilemma. Our equipment was at the back of the patio, the stage was at the front, and a mass of drunk, hot people were in the middle. Ah the joys of being in a band :-) Actually. I'm being a bit dramatic. It really wasn't that bad and could have been a lot worse.....
We played a set of predominantly new songs to a good crowd of very awesome people that braved the heat and stayed out there. I think the set went off fairly well and although not perfect, there were no major catastrophes. Close enough for rock n' roll. After we finished it was time to beat our livers up: Bartender!
Last but not least, Cherokee Rock Rifle hit the stage and blazed through a monsterous set complete with good tunes, an energetic live show, fire, and something I had not yet seen ever at the Riot Room: Dutch (The Duke as we like to call him) had disappeared from the stage during an instrumental number and reappeared way up on the roof. It was quite unexpected and although writing about it may not do it justice, it was quite badass in person. All hail "The Duke"!
Overall the night was a success for everyone involved. We need to do more shows like this and more often.
- Gene