Show 71: WFS and SI
Show 71 was setup to be a good time. Me and my good friends Paul, Bill, and Mark were resurrecting our old band from the 90's, Sacrifice Isaac, for one night only and the first time in 13 years (almost to the day) at the Riot Room. For those of you that aren't familiar with the band, I played bass with these guys from the time I was 19 years old and learned / went through a lot with these fine gentlemen.
We (WFS) went on at around 10:30 and I have to be honest, I felt really sick by that time. Apparently downing 2 red bulls when you rarely drink them before a show is a bad idea. Who knew? :-) But the show must go on, and it did. It was cool to see a lot of old SI friends in the audience, many of which had never seen WFS before. Despite my condition, I think it was a good show. But what do I know?!
Once we were done, it was Sacrifice Isaac time. Almost 13 years ago to the day, SI played our major label debut and cd release party at this same club ( called The Hurricane back then). Pretty crazy. Back in 1998 we were embarking on a journey that we hoped would lead us to careers in music and things certainly seemed pointed in the right direction. But like most stories of bands on major labels, the dream didn't come to fruition as we had hoped. Shit happens!
And now back to out regular programming:
I can't say that I wasn't nervous but I was stoked because by the time the previous set was over, I no longer felt like shit. Bonus!
We took the stage at 11:30ish and began the journey through our set and back in time to the 90's. People were into it, everyone was playing well and most importantly, it was really fun. We played 10 songs total, five off of our first record and five off of our last one. It all went off without a hitch, after 13 years, with one week of rehearsals. Not to bad if I don't say so myself.
All in all, the four of us were really pleased. And I do believe the quote of the night during the show goes to William Mitchell: "for those of you that don't know, we're a band from the 90s!!". It was like we had just stepped out of a time machine.
This was a one night only experience for us and although we are all still best of friends, it was great to do this thing together one more time.
Till Next Time,