Show 73, Video, Radio and Everything Else
It's been a busy few months for us and we wouldn't have it any other way. Lots of things happening and it feels good. First off, I'd be lying if I told you I even remembered much about show #73. We played with Maylene and the Sons of Disaster which seemed like a strange bill for us to be on but who are we to complain? We played, we drank, we laughed, we cried. All in all another WFS show.
In other news we released a video for "Sign of the Times" and simultaneously went to national radio with the song as well. This is a first for our band on both fronts and so far, they have both been good moves!
The video was created and executed by the brothers Ryan and Chad Chamberlain of Basement Productions. What can we say, these dudes and crew were a complete pleasure to work with. Hell, they did all the work! And most importantly, they delivered what we all think is a pretty bad ass video! And the response has been nothing short of awesome. If you haven't seen it already should check it out on the Video page.
The radio campaign for Sign of the Times has been a complete blast for us too. In just a few weeks we have managed to get added into rotation at several radio stations across the country and in fact, as I write this we are the #79 on the Mediabase active rock chart. The week beforee that it was at #85 and the week before that one at #90-something. We're not quite sure what that means but we think it is a good thing! Along with the radio, Sign of the Times has been in many "cage match" type radio contests and we have been winning them thanks to our many good friend's support! THANK YOU!
We have some kick ass shows coming up and even more exciting things in the works. We would like to thanks everyone who has supported us in the past and all of you who continue to do so. We appreciate it beyond words.