Waiting For Signal

Alt / Indie / Rock Music From Kansas City, Missouri

The Real Number 8: Revitalization through Camaraderie

My, my, what an evening. It was our 8th show and we were playing with our friends, Paper Cities for the first time.

By the time we got to the bar and loaded in, Westport turned into a river. There were torrential showers, hail, tornadoes, tsunamis, and hurricanes. Everyone thought no one would come out due to the weather. We were all wrong.

Although we got to a late start, the night couldn't have been better. Good turnout with lots of familiar and new faces. Our brothers in arms, Paper Cities brought the rock and subsequently made our collective junk shrivel. They brought it like Michael Jackson circa 1985.

Long story short, what a great lineup. We want to do it again.

Thanks to the staff at The Riot Room for being the coolest guys on the planet and thanks to everyone for coming out and supporting us.

Over and Out,

- Gene

The Number 7: Red Checkered Vans and Debaucehry go together like PB and J.

Show 7 for us; our first weekend show, some short notes:

Brent - Red and Black Checkered Vans - We were wrong, you were right; you fashionista!
People - Thank you to each and everyone of you for coming out in full force and supporting us.
The Brick - Great vibe, great space, we LOVED it.
Vertigo Drive - killed it; best show yet; Quinie Quan Quin and the boys delivered.
Duane T. - made it sound "noice and toight"
Afterparty - Motley Crue circa Theater of Pain minus the heroin and blow with a side of HANGOVER
96.5 The Buzz Homegrown - Thank You to Jeriney for playing Command and Control and for the kind words!!!!

Till next time

Show VI @ The Riot Room: Sponsored by jagermeister and the City of New York

Show 6 was all we expected it to be and more. Thank You to everyone who came out. You guys (and ladies) are awesome. It made our night to see so many new and familiar faces standing up front and center during our set.

Once again we had a complete BLAST @ The Riot Room. The RR staff are the tops in our book. A special thank you to Jeff P. who always makes us sound great.

Now I must take a nap. I think we wiped the bar out of jagermeister last night and I am paying for it today.

- Gene

Show V: The Studio

First off, we'd like to give a shout to everyone that came out to the Studio show. Thank You for supporting us.

Second, a shout out to Ron and all the staff @ The Studio, some of the nicest gentlemen (and ladies) in the scene.

Third, a huge shout out to Vertigo Drive and The Old Black. We always enjoy playing with good bands and both these bands KILLED it. If that wasn't enough, both bands stayed throughout the show.

Overall, the show was a resounding success. We can't wait to do it again. And we will. Hope tp see you there!


The Catastrophe EP is Released (iTunes, Amazon, etc.)


We have officially released our first EP, The Catastrophe EP. It took quite some time to put the finishing touches on this baby. And the logistics just about killed us. We are excited and relieved. Thank You to everyone who was involved in the process.

You can get your hands on The Catastrophe EP @ iTunes, Amazon, etc. And as of tomorrow you can get the physical EP, hot off the presses.

So with that, go out and get it! We appreciate your support.

Waiting For Signal Show IV: The Record Bar

Show IV at the Record Bar was a blast. Thanks to everyone who threw caution to the wind and came out on a Monday night. You are all great people with exceptional taste in music. But I digress....

We appreciate the support. A big thank you to our friend mixmaster Dave G. for making being such a good host and making us sound noice and toight. Another big thank you to Ryan Yoakum (Yoakum Photography) for bringing out the big lights and the big cameras to capture our ugly mugs. Now we can only hope that Photoshop will transform us into the photogenic bastards we hope to be ;-)

We would also like to thank everyone @ The Record Bar for having us out.

Additionally we want to thank The Academy, Santa Claus, Levi’s Baby Mama, and the makers of Jagermeister.

Till next time,


Show III: Pabst and Drunken College Girls

Show number three and out of town outing number one. Warrensburg, Missouri was the city. It was real: We laughed, we cried, we drank PBR. We even encountered a few drunken college girls. After our set we hung out and listened to our friends Vertigo Drive who brought the thunder. A big shout out and thank you to the staff @ the 400 club for being such good hosts.  We hope to do it again soon. Afterward we headed back to K.C. and got in town just in time for the bars to close.  Overall a successful evening indeed.  We even had some time to educate/corrupt Levi. Yet again, I will plead the fifth.

Till next time


Another fun show. Could this this be a trend? We hope so. Yet again, no one was hurt (except for Ryan’s liver) although there were some close calls with the trailer in the early morning hours. But I will plead the 5th and leave it at that. Thanks to everyone for making it out to Jilly’s. We appreciate the support.

The first show

Well, the first show went off without a hitch. Even we were surprised. No fatalities, no injures, it’s like a good day on the job site. You know what I mean?

Thanks to everyone coming out to support us. And thanks to our friends in Vertigo Drive! I would like to personally give a shout out to the drunk blonde chick who hit on every man in the bar.....twice. It’s people like you that make hanging out in bars interesting.

Next up, show 2 @ Jilly’s this Thursday (March 20th) with Vertigo Drive. The show starts @ 10PM. Come out and drink with us on a school night.

- Gene

© 2013 and every other year Waiting For Signal. All rights reserved. All inhibitions ignored. We anoint ourselves rulers of the universe. Thank You.