Show 47: Better Late Than Never
The saying "better late than never" works well for this post since we played this show almost a week ago. I had to go out of town and was caught up in the week. But alas, I remembered tonight. So as the saying goes, better late than never.
Last Saturday night we played Davey's Uptown with Red Line Chemistry. We were excited to play this show for a lot of reasons one of which was that Red Line Chemistry is a much different band than us and draws a different crowd that we had yet to play for. And we like playing for different audiences. Above and beyond that, the RLC guys are all nice guys and we were happy to finally be playing a show together with them.
We had played Davey's Uptown once before last year and we enjoyed it. I kind of grew up in that bar and remember watching and playing shows with bands like Shiner, Giant's Chair, etc. there. So needless to say there is a lot of history and nostalgia for me personally.
This show was unusual in that there were only 2 bands onthe bill (us and RLC) which we were happy about. It's kind of like having your cake and eating it too. You get to open the show which means you are not in a rush to setup and you get to play at 11ish. That's what I call a "win/win" (please excuse the cheesy corporate terminology).
We loaded in around 6, went through our soundcheck and then just hung out for a while. Brent, Levi, and I got something to eat and before we knew it, the bar started to get full. In what seemed like another hour, we were set to play. We took the stage at 10:45 to a good crowd full of familiar and unfamiliar faces. Although the stage was a bit cramped and I felt like our live show was not all that energetic as it could be , I felt like it was a good show for us and more importantly we played well. We played for a ton of people we had never seen before and I think we were recieved well. Mission Accomplished!
RLC took the stage around midnight and true to form the exectuted with precision. They sounded great and their audience was with them from the first song to the last.
Overall, the evening was a success and it went off without a hitch.
Thanks to:
Everyone who came out to the show
Wes West
Jeff Pickman
and Davey's Uptown
See you next year,
Last Saturday night we played Davey's Uptown with Red Line Chemistry. We were excited to play this show for a lot of reasons one of which was that Red Line Chemistry is a much different band than us and draws a different crowd that we had yet to play for. And we like playing for different audiences. Above and beyond that, the RLC guys are all nice guys and we were happy to finally be playing a show together with them.
We had played Davey's Uptown once before last year and we enjoyed it. I kind of grew up in that bar and remember watching and playing shows with bands like Shiner, Giant's Chair, etc. there. So needless to say there is a lot of history and nostalgia for me personally.
This show was unusual in that there were only 2 bands onthe bill (us and RLC) which we were happy about. It's kind of like having your cake and eating it too. You get to open the show which means you are not in a rush to setup and you get to play at 11ish. That's what I call a "win/win" (please excuse the cheesy corporate terminology).
We loaded in around 6, went through our soundcheck and then just hung out for a while. Brent, Levi, and I got something to eat and before we knew it, the bar started to get full. In what seemed like another hour, we were set to play. We took the stage at 10:45 to a good crowd full of familiar and unfamiliar faces. Although the stage was a bit cramped and I felt like our live show was not all that energetic as it could be , I felt like it was a good show for us and more importantly we played well. We played for a ton of people we had never seen before and I think we were recieved well. Mission Accomplished!
RLC took the stage around midnight and true to form the exectuted with precision. They sounded great and their audience was with them from the first song to the last.
Overall, the evening was a success and it went off without a hitch.
Thanks to:
Everyone who came out to the show
Wes West
Jeff Pickman
and Davey's Uptown
See you next year,