Sunday marked our 16th show and a couple of firsts for the band: Opening up for a national act(s) and playing in the daytime. We played the Power and Light District (KC Live) for the "Rock the Vote" show which included The Belated, The Wombats, Carolina Liar, and Ludo.
We were really stoked to play this show as well as see the other bands. We were also excited for all the fringe benefits of being on such a bill: the coveted backstage pass or "fuck you" pass as Brent so eloquently calls it, free alcohol, a green room, screaming fans, television, and possibly a key to the city. Alas, our hopes and dreams only partially came true; you guessed it, they gave us our "fuck you" passes. I guess one out of six isn't bad? And the day had only just begun.
We arrived on-site in time to catch The Belated play after loading in. I had never seen this band live before and I must say that I was really impressed. They sounded killer and did a great job.
Once The Belated had tore down, we started to see our gear being hauled onto the stage. We were in shock.....roadies?!!! Holy Shit. This was the big time. So we promptly ran back there and started to help. Once the gear was on-stage, we started to set up and then something strange happened: Politicians of every type and variety started taking the stage one by one for a few minutes each. We saw this on the schedule but weren't sure what was going on exactly. So we went with the flow. A few minutes later, 96.5's Afentra (btw, we love her) announces "Ladies and Gentlemen, Waiting for Signal". Holy Fuck, we were just announced, but there was one problem: we weren't finished setting up yet! So we scrambled, plugging in cables, grabbing guitars etc. After a few seconds, we heard the comforting sound of background music begin to play over the pa again. A few minutes later, we were ready to go....kind of. At that moment, Ryan realized that one of his Guitar cables is not working. So he quickly replaces it and we are off to the races.
No sound check, no line check, just our band, as they say "el natural". Like baby birds thrown out of the nest we were exposed! But it felt good, because after all it's only rock and roll (or "lock and loll" if you are in Japan). We finished our set, grabbed our gear, with some help from the gracious folks there, and made way for the Wombats who were up next.
The Wombats began their set with a simple introduction "We are the Wombats, we are from Liverpool". For fuck's sake, did they say Liverpool? Yes, they did. I want to be able to say that. In fact, I AM going to say that at the next show, Not because I want to be from Liverpool but just because it sounds cool…..
After the Wombats, we loaded our gear out and then back into our rehearsal space. I went home and the rest of the band went back to the show to see Ludo. From what everyone told me, these guys were the real deal. They even covered a Faith No More song. It's a NICE! I won't miss them next time they are in town, and you shouldn't either.
Overall, this was an awesome experience for us. We want to thank 96.5 The Buzz, Rock The Vote, and everyone for coming to the show.
Till Next Time,